Saturday 31 March 2018

Games Night

An old-style games night which only occurs infrequently nowadays. Jon and Ray coming around for some easter gaming.

Formula De

Running two cars each and dicing off for pole position with second cars at the rear. Montreal track is brutal on the car's tyres and brakes. A bit bland in the corner types which are basically all painful two stop corners, everybody pitted after the first lap of the two-lap race.


The track laying by committee game where longest routes win and direct lines are bad. Two games played with much confusion in the second, as sides were swapped but people initially kept playing as their original colour.


The traditional way to end a games night. Connect4 meets Poker. Three player version seems to take slightly longer than the two player\team version but not by much. Four quick games.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Wings of 100 Years

To celebrate 100 years of the RAF, founded on April Fools Day 1918, I organised a couple of games of Wings of War.

4 a side, with one plane each. Getting the players to choose their own planes was probably a bad idea as ended up with a mixed bag of performance types and many planes the RAF would never have flown!.