Monday 29 March 2010

Bazaar Camelot

The second Warrior Bazaar was held at the Park Hall Hotel, near Charnock Richards, next to the Camelot Theme Park. Was quite on the roads as Camelot does not open till Easter. Wasn't interested in the Theme Park anyway as 'it is a silly place'. This venue is much easier to get to than the previous location in Bolton.

Main part of the Show was held in just the one hall, split 50-50 between Traders and Demo games. The other hall was taken by the competition tables, with the competitors wearing night vision goggles due to the low light, and with the reenactors acting out the Battle of Charnock Richards between the 47th Regiment of Foote and the Sith Lords.

Not too many purchases. It did include the latest Battlegames Mag, some sandbags (25mm but going to pass them of as 15mm) and small spool of barbwire - I decided it's cheaper to use this and some bits of matchstick to construct my own than modify the resin 25mm emplacements that were available.

Bought three editions of the Thrud the Barbarian Comic, by Carl Critchlow, after some not so hard selling by the Heresy Miniatures stand. A staple of White Dwarf of the 80's and arguably one of the main sources of the Games Workshop 'Chaos Death Spiky Bits' obsession.

Also bought some inks on the cheap. Have never used them before, but want to try inking and washing on the Dragon Lord fleet that I bought on the cheap from Jabberwocky a month or so ago. Unlike the Elven fleet I've base coated them white instead of black but am a bit worried that the inks are going to be too dark and shiny.

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