Thursday, 29 March 2012

Battle of Marienborn

Another battle in the 1813 Campaign as the French try and redeploy their forces out of the rough terrain of Marienborn after the surprise capitulation of Magdeburg.

Report from Dave M as usual.

From Furness Wargamers in Shakos

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Battle of Groningen

Two Battles to report from the 1813 Campaign. The first played out at the club, as the French forces try to strike hard at Blucher before reinforcements can envelope them. The second, smaller action, was played out elsewhere (and possibly via an automatic combat resolution system.)

Battle reports from Dave M, as usual.

From Furness Wargamers in Shakos

Friday, 16 March 2012

Gundam War

A mini-campaign based around the Gundam series. Two teams of three players.

A war is raging in Russia over the control of several key industrial centres. The core rules being based upon the Ogre rule-set.

From Furness Wargamers in the Future

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Action at Calbe

Another campaign battle, this time on Day 9.

What should of been a big battle at Calbe turned into a bit of a squib and rapid retreat. Martin had positioned his troops in defense of the battle magnet of Calbe, but then promptly did not show up for the battle due to ill-health. This left Mark, Jim and me in charge of the forces, with me, as Wittgenstein, nominally in over all command.

This is the first battle to actually feature Wittgenstein's III Corps in full after they finally arrive in the area after a long, convoluted, march from Dresden.

Another battle report from Dave M follows...

From Furness Wargamers in Shakos

Thursday, 1 March 2012


Ended up digging out my copy of Zombies!!! at the club after Martin's group got left in the lurch by his no show.

We used the Six Feet Under expansion but not the Subway transit rules as didn't want to complicate it for the first time players. The increased deck size was probably a mistake. After a long struggle the game was declared a draw\Zombie victory as the late appearing helipad was miles away (20+ spaces from nearest player) and no one was close to the 25 kills for a win, despite having plenty of zombie targets. So many zombies, in fact, that we had to start using zombie dogs as kill markers.